Gridcontrol devexpress
Gridcontrol devexpress



Shows how to move focus between cells at runtime, and how to specify a focused cell’s appearance.Ĭovers methods that enable you to move row focus by a specified number of rows forward or backward.ĭescribes navigator controls that allow end-users to browse through the grid control’s data and add/delete records. The built-in Check column provides an intuitive way to select rows with check boxes. Multiple Row Selection via Built-In Check Column and Selection Binding Provides information on single row selection, multiple row selection and multiple cell selection modes. In addition, to select rows in Grid Views, you can use the built-in Check column (displays checkboxes within rows). Row/card and cell selection can also be performed using the mouse and keyboard. With a dedicated option, you can prevent certain column cells from being focused. In the Data Grid control, an end-user can navigate between cells (move cell focus) using the mouse and keyboard.

  • Filter editor (for creating complex filter criteria).
  • Regular and MS Excel-inspired filter dropdowns.
  • An end-user can filter data with column filter dropdowns.

    An end-user can search for data using a dedicated Find Panel (press CTRL+F) or using the incremental search feature.įilter criteria created in code or at runtime allow you to narrow the displayed record set. Multiple ways to filter and locate rows is supported. This View provides the Tile Template feature, which helps you arrange fields relative to other fields, specify absolute or relative field display bounds, etc.

  • Tile View - Displays records as read-only tiles, using one of the following layout modes: default (standard table layout), list (tiles have no space between them) and Kanban.
  • Supports HTML-CSS templates that allow you to override the default data presentation in these styles.


  • WinExplorer View - Displays records using one of seven styles supported by Microsoft Windows Explorer - Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, List, Tiles, and Content.
  • Card fields are always arranged in a single column.
  • Card View - Presents data records as cards, arranged down and then across.
  • Supports complex card field layouts, built-in groups, tabbed groups and labels.
  • Layout View - Presents records as cards, which can be displayed in one or multiple columns, one or multiple rows, in an ellipse (carousel mode) or a single card at a time.
  • Advanced Banded Grid View - Displays data in a tabular form and organizes columns into bands.
  • Banded Grid View - Displays data in a tabular form and organizes columns into bands.
  • Grid View - Displays data in a tabular form.
  • Choose one of the following View types to render data per your needs. They provide multiple edit, display, behavior and appearance options. The Views specify how records and record fields are arranged. The Data Grid control uses Views to present data from a bound data source.
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Server Modes.
  • Lists or arrays of objects created in code.
  • The following data binding modes are supported. See this help topic to learn more: Unbound Columns. In case you cannot modify a data source, use unbound columns instead. If you want to display initially filtered or sorted data, or merge multiple data sources into one, you need to do that at the data source level before binding the Grid to this source. The control shows data from its source as is. Note that the Grid has no unbound mode and cannot function without a source. To display data within the Data Grid, you first need to bind it to a data source. Refer to the link to see a list of included components.ĭemonstrates visual elements that the Grid Control and its Views are composed of.Ĭontains a large variety of task-based examples. In addition to the GridControl component, the Data Grid Suite also includes two GridControl-based lookup editors and the control that supports the grid’s split presentation feature. You will learn about the capabilities provided by Views, how to switch between Views, provide data, and customize the layout of columns, bands and card fields. Introduces the Grid Control and its data presentation formats - Views. To work with large data sources, use dedicated synchronous and asynchronous server modes. You can bind to all traditional data sources. Data shaping capabilities include, but are not limited to, sorting, grouping, summary calculation, cell merging, data editing, master-detail and split presentations, as well as a rich set of filtering and data searching options such as built-in column filters and Find Panel.

    Gridcontrol devexpress